Moira Finucane stars in THE BURLESQUE HOUR. Pic Heidrun Lohr

The undying, vibrant and irreverent art form that is Burlesque Cabaret is alive and well at the Seymour Centre in Sydney.

Moira Finucane and Jackie Smith had a wild vision to re-create “a salon of the extraordinary and the underground, the unforgettable and indefinable”, seductive, subversive, provocative and entertaining. They have, with great success, created “insolent and exotic live art, circus and literary gothic, showgirl and backroom ballet”.

The show has played to 95,000 fans around the world, with 50 sell-out seasons and has won eight theatre awards.

A diverse and talented cast have shared the performances. On opening night they included; Moira Funicane, resplendent with exotic, red balloon popping striptease, Paul Cordeiro, Maude Davey, Holly Durant and Anna Lumb, all bringing their own tantalising song, dance and dark, sultry mime to the show.

Special guests included Lily Paskas, Lilikoi Kaos, bringing a fabulous, luminous hoola hoop act with appropriate attitude, and the wonderful actress Pamela Rabe, who stole the audience with her extremely erotic Vulva monologue.

It’s a show not for those seeking a deep and meaningful theatre experience, but certainly an invigorating, colourful and highly enjoyable show.

THE BURLESQUE HOUR, which opened at the York Theatre, Seymour Centre on Thursday 15th November is playing for only twelve performances and closes on Saturday 24th November, 2012.

© Bronwyn Fullerton

19th November, 2012

Tags: Sydney Stage Reviews-THE BURLESQUE SHOW- GLORY BOX EDITION, Sydney Arts Guide, Bronwyn Fullerton