Pocket rocket pick pocket, Val, is enamoured of Luka, filthy lucre procurer and commitment-phobe bamboozler who left Senator Olive Darling in the lurch.

Darling and the Police Sergeant, long vexed by the elusive grifter, contrive a sting that includes an Italian billionaire and the world’s greatest undercover cop to target Luka and exact their individual revenge on the law and heart breaker.

A sextet ensemble comprising Guy O’Grady, Zoe Jensen, Travis Jeffrey, Ella Watson-Russell, Emma Kew and Nick Gell raise merry hell in a variety of leopard skin attire and personalities in this dizzying rather than dazzling daffy entertainment.

A bearded lady, a dumb deputy, a strange street vendor, and a purveyor of orphans make up the motley crew that strut their stuff on the catwalk stage.

The leopard skin motif is never addressed but there is a McGuffin – the billionaire, Giuseppe Monterverdi is endowed with a significant clock and the entire cast ride the innuendo for all its worth, no hint of the horological, but casting aspersions and insinuations about size, shape and form of the clock.

Travis Jeffrey pretty much steals the show as undercover cop Dick Tims masquerading under the guise of Giuseppe Monterverdi, a doubling act that elicits most of the double over laughs.

The fast gear changes in Michael McStay’s script and the rapid delivery by the actors reminds me of another spotted feline, the cheetah, but the momentum steamed up in the first hour is strangely derailed by the choice of an interval at the sixty minute mark of a ninety minute play.

Director Samantha Young gives her cast free range to go big, broad and for broke, delivering a spotty comedy that occasionally roars and shows its claws but mostly purrs without pause.

LEOPARDSKIN is playing the KXT Theatre in the Kings Cross Hotel  until the 6th April, 2019