You Talkin’ To Me?

The story goes that… in 2000 and coming up to the Olympic Games, struggling writer Anthony Sharwood decided to hop on the Olympic gravy train. He became a cabbie for the two weeks of the Olympics for the money and for all the stories that would come his way. Little did he know how provident his decisions would be, with the publication of his novel ‘You Talk’ To Me? Diary of an Olympic Cabbie’ and now his book has become a play at the Ensemble theatre as the result of an an adaptation by the Ensemble Theatre’s Associate Director, Mark Kilmurry. Things can really happen some times!

This was a fun night at the theatre right from the start. The show ran for 90 minutes straight through. The performances of Jamie Oxenbould and Catherine Moore in multiple roles were tremendous. Oxenbould played the cabbie as well as the characters of many of the passengers that he met over the frenetic period. Catherine Moore played his disgruntled girlfriend, so disgruntled that he was spending so little time with her that she was threatening to leave him. Moore also played numerous other roles including an ocker, angry announcer pressuring people to take their seats ot the show will begin without them.

Brian Nickless’s set of an arty model of a taxi which was flush in the centre of the stage worked well.

My verdict- a bright, breezy production that contrasts well with some very intense, dramatic productions that are doing the rounds of Sydney at the moment.