Michael Adams binges on bad movies

The title grabbed me straight away- how could I not buy it?! Michael Adams watches at least one bad movie a day for a whole year- telling us how they were made and what he thought of them. Let me tell you, this guy knows his onions about trashy films! He doesn’t however go completely mad!

Near the start of the book, he has a brilliant idea. Instead of plodding through the films alphabetically, he buys a toy Bingo machine, and let’s chance decide what type of film he will watch next.- Evil baby movies, Gorilla movies, movies with midgets, movies by Andy Milligan, and so on….The suspense…what will come next?!

To come along on a journey of discovery such as this, you have to like your guide. He makes sure that we do by adding the story of his own life that year when he was manically watching movies- his patient, brave wife…his over-active 4 year old daughter, his hilarious attempts to become a reviewer for a television show…his interviews with filmmakers of all types- by the end I really got to know and like this guy.

This is not a book to get all intellectual about. It’s fun…it’s interesting…it’s entertaining. Why it even has a picture of the author as a Zombie!

My verdict…Well worth a read!

(c) Peter Morrison

24th November, 2012

Tags: Sydney Book Reviews- SHOWGIRLS, TEEN WOLVES AND ASTRO ZOMBIES- My year long quest to find and watch the worst movies ever made, Michael Adams, Sydney Arts Guide, Peter Morrison.