What a great night at the theatre!
The Biggest Little Play Festival in the World is in the sixth week of its eight week run, and it just seems to get better every week. Each night, the audience is asked to vote for its favourite plays, and I had huge difficulty choosing two favourites from the ten plays performed.
YOU GOTTA GO written by Carol Dance, starring Aviral Mohan and Karol Bonkowski is a warm, funny look at the Melbourne Cup and the challenges this horse race poses for new Australians. The two characters work in the predictable, organised world of train-timetabling and have great difficulty coming to terms with the unfathomable importance of “the sweep”, wearing a funny hat and having a drink in the middle of the work day! One character asks: “Why do I need to do this?” Only to be told that he must be happy with the explanation; “That’s Australia, mate!” This is a very clever script, performed by talented actors with impeccable comic timing.
BAD THING written by Mark Cornell, starring David Ross and Nick Subjak, is a very moving examination of the difficult relationship between two brothers.
Jim, a simple-minded young man is very dependent on his brother Mike, who has clearly devoted a large part of his life to his needy brother. The action takes place during a road trip, apparently to a medical appointment. However, the real purpose of the trip is questionable as the audience becomes more aware of the enormous stress Mike is feeling. This piece is very powerful, particularly for anyone who has experienced a similar relationship, and the actors are able to achieve a great deal of empathy from the audience.
DIABOLOCAL is a very clever, funny, original piece of theatre! Jim is a Sudoku tragic, whose focus on his skill with this game has profound effects on every aspect of his life! Jim believes that as his skill in this game improves, he achieves greater success in his work and his relationships. He even claims at one point, when he finally solved the DIABOLICAL Sudoku, that – things got better with my wife too! The title is also a pun – but you will need to see the play to get the “joke”!
BLABBERMOUTH, the final play on the bill, is very original and LOTS of fun! A lonely man, Gary seeks company in a prostitute, Lisa. Things don’t go quite as planned however, when Patrick arrives – Lisa’s husband! And this is only the first of many complications! The writing is very clever as all the dialogue is single words spoken by each actor, though when one actor accuses another of being a blabbermouth, it is a fitting rebuke! Intrigued? You must see the play!
The Short & Sweet Festival runs until Sunday 9th March, with Week 7 starting Wednesday 19th February.