POOR THINGS is an embarrassment of riches, and one of the best films of the year.

An unlikely story, mostly, POOR THINGS is all about life, presented in a quality quilt of fantasy, parable and myth.

Satirical, tragic, comic, ironic, subversive and extremely entertaining, POOR THINGS comes from a confluence of extravagant imagination to excite our imaginations, to make us ponder and wonder.

The source material is from novelist, Alasdair Gray, whose novel has been adapted by Oscar nominated scenarist, Tony McNamara, and directed by Yorgos Lanthimos. The last McNamara Lanthimos collaboration gave birth to The Favourite. Now they have twin triumphs.

POOR THINGS is like Frankenstein revisited, retooled, rebooted, and re-energised, a thrilling, chilling fabulously funny piece of work.

Emma Stone plays Bella Baxter, a surgically restructured being created from the body of a suicide and the brain of the unborn child she was carrying. The Frankenstein type father of this creation, Godwin Baxter, is a scarred truth seeking, soul searching scientist, played with the scent of Scottish accent by the peerless Willem Dafoe.

Just those two alone makes POOR THINGS worth the price of admission, but add to the mix Mark Ruffalo and an excellent supporting cast you just can’t go wrong.

Shot by Robbie Ryan, Oscar nominated for The Favourite, POOR THINGS boasts a production design in steam punk brilliance by Shona Heath and James Price that is jaw droppingly awesome in its eyesomeness.

And what about Holly Waddington’s costumes? See POOR THINGS and be gobsmacked!

Expect to be thoroughly entertained but don’t expect to be left feeling comfortable. POOR THINGS prods and probes and we are all the better for it.

Funny, nightmarish and provocative, POOR THINGS ambitions are large and the achievement larger. Compelling – you never really know what will happen next – POOR THINGS is a great adventure where the bearings are taken from a compass that resembles a Salvador Dali watch.