This year’s Palestinian Film Festival Australia program features a film that is irony rusted by recent tears

Winner of the International Federation of Film Critics Prize at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival, A Gaza Weekend by Basil Khalil is a hilarious, action-packed parody that lampoons disaster movies.

After a plague proportion virus named ARS wreaks havoc in Israel, Gaza becomes the safest place on Earth. Shot before the recent carnage, this satirical slapstick sits somewhat uncomfortably, nevertheless it is a definite must see in light of recent and past history.

Renowned UK actor Stephen Mangan co-stars opposite Palestinian actress Mouna Hawa in this unforgettable film.

Having its Australian Premiere at the festival is the sci-fi documentary Lyd, a film that explores the poignant history of Lyd, once a thriving Palestinian city, now divided by Israeli occupation. Through a blend of documentary and animated sequences, LYD presents a powerful narrative of what the city was and what it could have been, inviting viewers to reflect on the impact of historical events on the city’s Palestinian community.

Again, in light of recent conflict and hostilities, this is a must see film.

Palestine’s entry for the Best International Feature Film is Bye Bye Tiberias by Palestinian-Algerian-French filmmaker Lina Soualem. Bye Bye Tiberias is a 2023 documentary film that follows Soualem’s (famous) mother, Hiam Abbass who leaves her Palestinian village to pursue her dream of becoming an actress, leaving behind her mother, grandmother and sisters.

And again, in light of the darkness afflicting the region, a film that aspires to understanding.

WHAT: 2024 Palestinian Film Festival Australia
WHEN: 7 March– 17 March 2024