james kirby : choose compassion : a mini masterpiece

I have just had the privilege of reading James Kirby’s incredible book CHOOSE COMPASSION. I would have to say that his research on this subject is one of the  most engaging and analytical I have ever experienced. Kirby has taken the  simple word of compassion and expanded it into an enriched journey of gold  nuggets and hidden jewels within the human psyche. Freud would have been  very proud of the extraordinary studies, statistics and surveys that are the  heartbeat of this book. CHOOSE COMPASSION is a deep and meaningful enquiry into the depths of the human spirit, warts and all. It is at times a raw yet very real expose of humanity with all its failings combined with the hope of  a rainbow and ultimate healing.  

Kirby tells us right from the start that compassion is all about suffering which is  distinctly different to empathy, sympathy and kindness. The common thread  throughout the book is that human beings, unlike animals, always have the freedom to choose in every given situation what we are being challenged with.  We may not always feel comfortable with our possibilities regarding being a more compassionate person but this means when it comes to choosing  compassion there is always a choice of attitude and action. 

This dynamic book contains some very powerful exercises that when practised  consistently can transform our lives. They are based on creating positive  intentions when it comes to being a more mindful and compassionate person.  There is a smorgasbord of examples throughout the book where the reader is  given the opportunity to live a happier and more fulfilled life through the lens  of self compassion and compassion for our community and society. 

CHOOSE COMPASSION is overflowing in both the theoretical and practical sense of how to live a more courageous and wiser life. But the conundrum lies in the  fact that on one hand our choices can appear to be quite simple but when put  to the test can prove to be complex and confusing for us as human beings. Dr. Kirby reminds us that “humans are walking talking contradictions”. 

I believe the goal of this mini masterpiece is for us a to become aware of how  we can develop our skills to achieve living a more compassionate life. I love the  saying that we are all striving to be the best  version of ourself through being  compassionate not only for ourselves but the entire world. I guarantee that  your life will never be the same after reading Dr. Kirby’s book. The landscape of  your life will be one of hope and optimism with insights of what it takes to face your fears of the unknown and embrace compassion. I challenge you to open  that door and allow the love and wisdom to flow.




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