Even Michael Moore’s supporters have felt that he occasionally goes too far, but Moore remains unapologetic. He does not claim that his films are detached observations of American life; he proudly acknowledges his point of view and owns up to his intention of using film as a medium for change.

In FAHRENHEIT 11/9 he once gain burns up the screen with his outrage of modern American politics and society, as he turns his attention to examine Donald Trump’s election win on November 9, 2016.

Moore travels across America to get a sense of the social, economic and political impact of the Trump Presidency amidst the chaos of the new Administration’s provocative tweets, staff firings, and outright lies.

His target manufactures the ammunition. Only recently did Donald Trump in an ABC interview say that he tells the truth “when he can”.

FAHRENHEIT 11/9 is a provocative and comedic look at the times in which we live, exploring the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How did we get here, and WTF?

Moore has spent his career finding creative ways to address what he sees as the ills of American society: morally irresponsible corporations and a government that responds to small and privileged segments of the population rather than to the needs of the country, holistically.

And to be fair, FAHRENHEIT 11/9 doesn’t just take aim at Trump and the Republicans. His revelations about the campaign by the Democrats to elect Hilary Clinton to the Oval Office was not entirely above board is a tinder box of frustration, fueling a real fear that had she won she would merely be the lesser of two evils.

Obama also comes in for a kicking for not acting on the fouled drinking water in Flint, Michigan, Moore’s home town, when local government decided to hydrate the community from the polluted river rather than pristine Lake Huron.

The powers that be literally put a poisoned well in the midst of the community, an image and analogy that seeps into the assessment that American politics is a cesspool.

Michael Moore and Donald Trump may be in agreement – Washington is a swamp, but instead of his promise to drain it, it appears the President is wallowing in it like some lumbering river horse.- POTUS as hypocritical hippopotamus.

Ratbag smarty pants provocateur, whether you agree or disagree with his tactics we need someone like Michael Moore to try and keep the fellows honest when they can.