CROCK OF GOLD – A FEW ROUNDS WITH SHANE McGOWAN is arguably film maker, Julian Temple’s magnum opus.

The polysemy of the title is preposterously apt as the former front man of The Pogues is both pugilistic linguistically and libation fueled loquacious. A few rounds with Shane may leave you shickered and verbally punch drunk.

Frank and forthright, this opinionated Paddy poet laureate holds court with Gerry Adams, Johnny Depp and his wife Victoria Mary Clarke, answering questions, or not, landing honest body blows and upper cuts to politics, history, the English and the Irish, the music business, literature and pots more, while sinking a few rounds of his preferred poison.

Animation, archival footage and the above mentioned combative conversations are seamlessly stitched together by Temple to present a unique bio pic documentary reflecting all the many places Shane inhabits – the invisible world, Ireland, hedonism, alcoholism, God, poetry and literature, redemption and romance, blarney and truth, all in their respective grit and glory.

In a cinematic journey, via the inventions of the Pogues and the Popes, via the hits, the flops, the flame outs of fame, the triumphs and the disasters, the love, the hate, the bodily abuse and miraculous survival against the odds.

Growing up in a culture of strong anti-Irish sentiment in Britain, Shane has lived life to the hilt, slipping onto the knife edge more times than many, putting every atom of his humanity on the line with his raw, unflinching and unashamed songs. Shane captures the spirit of Ireland and the mood of the Irish diaspora whilst on his own very personal voyage into the heart of darkness and always with a drink in hand.

Channeling Shane MacGowan’s unique personality through the vision of his inimitable and eternally vibrant lens, Julien Temple comments: “Irascible, intractable, infuriating, fascinating, appalling, galling, bellicose, comatose, cantankerous, cadaverous, impossible, unstoppable – filming Shane is like flying through a radioactive rainbow, but in the end, there is an inner ‘Crock of Gold’ waiting to be discovered.”

CROCK OF GOLD culminates with Shane’s sixtieth birthday celebration where singers, movie stars and rock ’n roll outlaws gather for a knees-up to remember. Concert footage features Bono, Lisa O’Neil and Nick Cave performing Shane’s songs.

The cinematic exploration of Ireland’s most beloved punk poet releases in cinemas from 17 December 2020. To celebrate the release, opening night screenings will include exclusive extra concert footage at selected cinemas across Australia.