The door, the lift, the water cooler, the chairs and the video cameras. This is the environment set before us as we enter the theatre for COLLAPSIBLE.

Striking in suit and sneakers, Essie makes a speculator entrance as if pedestal put on the stage, face illuminated by mobile phone screen as she prattles off a litany of the interesting things the internet pairs her with, compares her to.

It is a bombardingly funny and furious monologue, a prologue to the funny and furious tale of Esther’s descent into disassociation.

From fully employed in a job she is told most people would kill for to unemployed and seemingly becoming a full time job seeker, Essie is also estranged from her lover and her sister.

The axiomatic anxiety of modern life, navigating career, relationship, identity, the virtual and the real are explored in a dazzling comedy coated drama.

A gorgeous script written by award winning playwright, Margaret Perry provides a mouthful of soliloquy, peppered with fierce humour, given mouthfeel for the ear by performer Janet Anderson. She is towering even when feeling deflated, confessing depletion, collapsing into invisibility.

COLLAPSIBLE also incorporates digital technology not as a gimmick but an aid to the narrative and is interwoven astonishingly well.

Close up projections of eyes and lips add to the visually arresting stage craft capped by an awesome performance, seventy minutes of scintillating speech, effervescent energy and innovative use of cameras, lighting and sound.

Too funny by half? That’s a laugh! Directors Zoë Hollyoak and Morgan Moroney do nothing by half and neither does their star, Janet Anderson, or their scribe, Margaret Perry.

COLLAPSIBLE is an all encompassing theatrical experience. See it.

COLLAPSIBLE plays Old Fitzroy Hotel till April Fools Day.