By Jeeves

Nic Hunter and Richard Cotter in ‘By Jeeves’

Mark the Genesian Theatre Company’s production ‘By Jeeves’ down as a show to see when you’re in the mood for seeing a light, fun and quick witted musical. It of-course helps if you’re a fan of the works of the brilliant British comic novellist P.G. Wodehouse!

‘By Jeeves’ is the creation of two of Britain’s finest thespians, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Alan Ayckbourn. They have brought Wodehouse to the theatre by devising a musical loosely based on Wodehouse’s collection of Jeeves stories.

In ‘By Jeeves’ the audience in the Little Wittam Church Hall have come to hear a banjo recital by local favourite, Bertie Wilberforce Wooster. The only thing is that Bertie Wooster’s banjo goes missing, and there has to be some replacement entertainment. On the spot Jeeves improvises a comic melodrama that describes the goings on in a Country-house over one weekend that involves mistaken identities, half baked schemes and the ultimate triumph of love.

Director Roger Gimblett directs large cast of ten, together with a small band (under the direction of Timothy Carter), to pull off a good night’s entertainment. The two leads give winning performances; Richard Cotter has the very proper and just a little superior Jeeves role down pat, and Nick Hunter is a perky, bright Wooster. The main joys lie in the Webber’s fine score and the cast having fun with Ayckbourn’s frenetic melodrama.

‘By Jeeves’ plays the Genesian Theatre, Kent Street, Sydney until the 6th December. Bookings-1300306776.