Until we can laugh underwater, we have to put up with a lot of comedy that is wet behind the ears.  BIOSPHERE isn’t just wet behind the ears, it’s green around the gills.

BIOSPHERE is an end of the world as we know it comedy full of fun pranks like transgendering so two straight men can fuck and procreate.

BIOSPHERE starts with an ambling preamble with the two men who may be the last humans on earth – a scientist and the President of The United States – running around the internal perimeter of a biosphere. It’s an opening sequence that’s as tedious as a treadmill.

Instead of cutting dialogue about the catastrophe that has caused their predicament, the dialogue is reduced to facile locker room humour.

Where are the speeches steeped in vinegar? Phrases with stings like scorpions? All we get is banter about Super Mario Brothers and Lethal Weapon. Referential twaddle.

BIOSPHERE could have been interesting had it not been reduced to lightweight comic caricature. It woefully shrinks from emotional confrontations and leaves one dramatically cheated.

The whole sorry piece goes from dumber and dumber to number and number. Or just numb.

Ordinary script, pedestrian direction, stoner performances and visually as interesting as a Polaroid of your knee, BIOSPHERE lacks dramatic or comic oxygen.

The last two men on earth adapt and evolve to save humanity? With this low level distinction, I’d opt for extinction.