Anush Babajanyan – -Battered Waters
Evgeiy Maloltka – The Siege of Mariupol
Evgeniy Maloletka – Mariupol MaternityHospital Air strike – BEST PHOTO
Jonathan Fontaine – The Nomad’s Final Journey
Kimberly dela Cruz – Death Of A Nation
Lee Ann Olwage – The Big Forget
Mauk Kham Wah – Retiieving The Dead
Musuk Nolte – Oil Spill in Lima
Nick Hannes – New Capital
Tomas Francisco Cuesta – World Champions

It has been another disappointing year for this exhibition.

When I think of a newspaper, and even the long lost LIFE magazine, which pioneered long form photographic essays, I often see photos which display lightheartedness and humorous irony.

The  judges of this exhibition seemed to select the photographers who went to miserable places on earth, the more obscure and  conflict ravaged the better.

The only photograph in this exhibition which was  not  downhearted was  a picture of a truck full of happy Argentine soccer fans. I am not an Argentinian.

The judges seem to have taken a didactic sense of high moral dudgeon at what is a terrible world.

I would respectfully submit that this is too narrow a criterion in assessing images.

In previous years the Sydney leg of the World Press Photo exhibition would fill the two large halls of the State Library.  There would be a fair number of photos that highlighted despair, distress, grief and suffering, however these were augmented by great photos of thrilling sporting moments, cute images of kids and  seniors, and breathtaking nature photography. Most of these photos had a pleasing aesthetic  and could elicit a smile.

The poe faced judges seemed to banish all joy that some images capture and that are, on occasion, included in the every day press.

The unrelenting despair displayed in this exhibition, many with no aesthetic appeal at all, induces a feeling of desensitivity.

Eventually, in affluent middle class Australia, with scenes of utter wretchedness and suffering, in a variety of countries and locations,  we find ourselves asking what are we supposed to do.

Judges, wake up from your dark depression  and bring back some light!