FORM Dance Projects and Riverside Theatres present Dance Bites 2022 a new rollicking one of a kind work by the WE ARE HERE Company exploring the intersection between honesty and artifice, wild and tame, light and dark, process and performance, raw and manufactured, and how on earth in this day and age we are going to present new dance work that is sustainable, wild, buoyant and afloat while it feels like everything is sinking.

The WE ARE HERE Company holds artistry, performative range and collaboration in its work, contributing and redefining the current look, approach and style of Australian contemporary dance. It is a breakthrough contemporary dance company like no other, comprising powerful performers (aged 20-30 yrs) who are open minded, able to dance with ‘heart’ and exhibit performative and choreographic potential.

This work was supported by March Dance, The City of Sydney and the Kier Foundation. Emma Saunders @ WE ARE HERE are the recipients of a Bursary from Critical Path, which contributed to this work. as part of March Dance supported by The City of Sydney and the Keir Foundation.

We Are Here Company’s performance of RADICAL TRANSPARENCY will play the Lennox Theatre at Riverside Theatres Parramatta on Friday 18th March and Saturday 19th March 2022 at 8pm. There will be a digital livestream performance on Saturday 19 March at 8pm which you can book for through the Riverside’s website www.riversideparramatta.com.au.

Sydney Arts Guide has two double passes to give away to the We Are Here Company’s performance of RADICAL TRANSPARENCY on Friday 18 March, 2022 at 8pm.

Email editor.sydneyartsguide@gmail.com with RADICAL TRANSPARENCY PROMOTION in the subject heading and your mobile contact phone number in the body of your email.

Winners will be advised by email.