In an enchanting world of song and dance, the adventurous Tinkerbell will fly into the Royal Botanic Garden and meet up with the fairies from A Midsummer Night’s Dream for the April School Holidays. Together, the cheeky Mustardseed, fluttery Moth, daring Cobweb and sweet Peaseblossom go on a magical quest with Tinkerbell.
The audience is invited to dress up and join in the fun! Come as a fairy, an elf, a Jedi, a pirate or your favourite superhero! Everyone is welcome to join this sparkling adventure with a special visit to ‘Bubble Land’ to help Tinkerbell and her new fairy friends find her lost wings.
Venue: The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney
Enter via Morshead Gate, Palace Gate or Conservatorium Gate on Macquarie Street and make your way to Pioneer Garden
Season: Saturday 9 April – Sunday 24 April 2022
Times: Tues to Sun 10am & 1pm; Sat 23 April 10am & 4pm (no shows Good Friday & Tues 19 April)
Prices: Tues – Thur $25 or $90 (group of 4) Fri – Sun $30 or $110 (group of 4)
Bookings: www.