Jacinda Patty’s Cindy is a 30? woman of Greek heritage who has returned from a soul-searching backpacking trip with no money and no boyfriend and the only housing prospect is living with her 80-year-old Yiayia.

She is also trying to find her perfect match on Tinder.

It’s a First World Millennial problem, right? One would think so, but YiaYia is in on the act as well, having lost her husband several years ago and is now ready to steal some of Cindy’s red lipstick and start dating as well; albeit in a more ol’ fashioned and dare we say, successful, way.

Fringe Festivals are great launch pads for trying new work and this work does have a timeless theme, the search for romantic love and a lifelong partner. Or in Yiayia’s case as long as they’ve got left.

It’s a one woman show, with Jacinda transforming from Yiayia to Cindy with a simple physical shift and at times staging a delightful two-way chat between the two. It’s a classic routine.

She also includes some dance routines that erupt spontaneously at intervals. Of note was Single Ladies by Beyonce. A refreshing take on that particular number.

She starts the show as Yiayia, who is based on Jacinda’s own grandmothers, cleaning the house, and picking up Cindy’s dirty underwear to put in the wash while she talks to her deceased husband, who is somewhere up high stage right.

When Cindy emerges, she is suitably entitled in the millennial way. The Tinder App on the phone commands attention and Cindy gives a relay of commentary on the men that she is swiping left or right on the phone. Judgements are swift and harsh in Tinder World, and it would have been good to see what she was seeing with some AV projection to match her descriptions. Let us see the messages. See the three dots indicating writing a response then disappearing. See the profile picture of punters that she so happily dismissed, (or dismissed her). The gormless, too tall, too short, funny looking, weird hair, whatever ‘unsuitables’.

When a suitable match finally hits, we are treated to an exploration of the usual insecurities and superficial concerns: hair dying, curly or straight, what to wear, what still fits, botox, lip fillers and so on, all delivered while legs are being shaved!

The show becomes truly engaging and heartfelt when Yaiyai is telling her deceased husband about her impending date, her first one in 60 years. The real point of the show starts to emerge as Cindy also goes to meet her matched date, which is disappointing, of course.

There’s a real sympathetic and empathetic connection with the audience as we see her excitement and anticipation, then worry, then embarrassment and finally resignation.

It’s also a clever contrast with the earlier brash comedy.

And Yaiyai’s date? You’ll have to see the show to find out what happens there.

Jacinda Patty is a Sydney-based artist who “delights her audience with a fusion of circus, dance, music, comedy… pure entertainment.”

Her other recent sell-out shows include ‘Boxed in Sideways’ and ‘Safety Banana’ “

Newcastle Fringe and Pattycakes Productions present
Tinder Cindy – staring Jacinda Patty
The Gal, 3-5 Beaumont St Hamilton
Fri 25th at 6pm & Sat 26th 9pm
Tickets $30. Bookings https://newcastlefringe.com.au/events/tinder-cindy









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