Brooke Davidson as Maddie the Golden Retriever
Anthony Slaven as Sparky the Kelpie
Brooke Davidson as Polly the Toy Poodle
Blackie (Ross Alecander) and Cobber (Kirit Chaudhary)

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CJ Johnson’s play is a celebration of the colourful and distinctive personalities of our four legged friends. THE DOG LOGS featured a cast of four, each playing multiple roles, and had plenty of good moments.

This show was a winner. CJ Johnson’s well written comedy came richly to life with Maggie Scott’s warm direction and the big, turbo charged performances by the cast of four.

The play’s structure was simple. Projected onto a screen at the back of the stage was the name of the dog, who then came on stage to deliver its dogologue.  The actor would then exit the stage, followed by the name of the next dog, with the next actor coming on stage.

Anthony Slaven ran riot as the lovable, manic Jack, the Jack Russell Terrier, bopping and weaving everywhere, determined to get everyone’s attention. He also leapt back and forth across the stage as the over eager, quirky greyhound, Savoir Faire. Savoir Faire’s whole world revolved around how he could finally get the rabbit he had been chasing, for what seemed like forever. Slaven also played Sparky the kelpie who talked us through his strategy to bring in a stray sheep and Ando, the Belgian Shepherd. This was a very energetic performance by Slaven. As he says in his program note, the show is sure keeping him fit.

Ross Alexander, who always has good presence on stage, played the role of Alfred, the Afghan hound, always fastidious about his appearance. Ross’s other roles were as Samson, the Labrador, and Blackie, the mutt from Queensland. 

Kirit Chaudhary played four roles; Borys the Rottweiler, Cobber, the Mongrel, Scarface, the American Pit Bull Terrier, and Munga, the Dingo.His portrayal of Borys the Rottweiler pulled a few heartstrings with Borys realising that his innate aggressive nature would inevitably be his undoing. Chaudhary got a  lot of laughs with his portrayal of Munga, coming on stage, and the first thing thing he says in a deadpan way is, ‘Yeah, I did it.’

Brooke Davidson was very playful as Maddie, the golden Retriever, Tallulah, the Afghan Bitch, Sherlock, the Beagle, Pepper, and Polly, the Toy Poodle.

The show ended on a lovely note with the cast sitting on a sofa, and combining to sing a closing song.

Who  would have thought a play featuring a series of dogologues could be so much fun?! THE DOG LOGS is playing Club Ryde until the 2nd April. For performance times and bookings:

Featured image : The cast have a singalong. Left to right : Kirit Chaudhary, Ross Alexander, Anthony Slaven, Brooke Davidson. Photography by Dan Ferris.