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Gunpowder and God. Arguably, mankind is the leasor of two evils.

Firearms and deity certainly fuel the cruel in THE CONVERT, Lee Tamahori’s latest excellent foray into toxic masculinity.

New Zealand in the 1830s is a Māori world, dominated by tribal wars. Seeking redemption from a dark past as a soldier, lay preacher Thomas Munro is on board a trading vessel heading to the newly established town of Epworth, a British settlement.

When the ship anchors for repairs, Munro finds himself caught up in a battle between Māori tribes and witnesses the slaughter of innocents at the hands of chief Akatārewa. Munro manages to save the life of Rangimai, the daughter of Maianui, a rival chief whose land Epworth leases in a delicate arrangement.

As Munro begins to experience the white townsfolk’s entrenched racism and paranoia towards the Māori, he finds himself increasingly ostracised within the community he is meant to serve and realises he has been brought to this isolated British outpost merely to add the veneer of civilisation. He finds an unexpected ally in Charlotte, a Celt practised in Māori custom, also ostracised by the White community.

After one of Maianui’s men is murdered under mysterious circumstances, Munro and Rangimai make the difficult journey into prohibited lands ruled by Māori warlords, in the hope of repairing the injustice. However, Munro soon realises he is a pawn in a strategic play of power, and with bloody war between the two dominant tribes now inevitable, he must decide what role he will play and whether his faith is real or of any value.

Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne is magnetic as Rangimai, a fierce and proud warrior woman affronted by both rival tribe and land grabbing colonists given full ferocious throttle.

Guy Pearce excels as Munro, a beacon of reason whose enlightenment threatens the heart of darkness in many of the men, both Māori and Pakeha, while Jacqueline McKenzie gives astounding support, both dramatic and emotional, as Charlotte.

An epic historical drama of high calibre, THE CONVERT takes great care to present the past and make it relate to the present.   


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