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Helen Thomson


death of a salesman : in the heat of willy’s night

As I reflect on this production, there is one scene that will stay forever etched in my mind.  This was the scene where  Willy’s brain has its final implosion, he covers his head in his hands, and races off the stage to do himself in, something that he has threatened to do from the play’s commencement.


in the next room or the vibrator play @ sydney opera house

Producer: Sydney Theatre Company
Director: Pamela Rabe
Writer: Sarah Ruhl
Stars: Jackie McKenzie, Helen Thomson, David Roberts
Caption: Jackie McKenzie listens at the closed door
Photo Credit:Grant Sparkes-Carroll
Season: 7th February- 2nd April, 2011 at the Drama Theatre

Prominent contemporary American playwright Sarah Ruhl chose a great subject, a quirky, little known medical sidelight from history, for her new play ‘In the Next Room or the vibrator play’ and out of it has created a tremendous, often hilarious play from it.

In the late 19th century, some modern thinking physicians were trialling women who were suffering from hysteria by using a new electronic invention, the vibrator! Ruhl has one such a Doctor as the protagonist in her play. Dr Givings (David Roberts) has created a separate room in his family home for his surgery. The play opens with the Doctor taking on a new patient, Sabrina Daldry (Helen Thomson).

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