The cast of STEPPING OUT. Pic by Grant Leslie
The cast of STEPPING OUT. Pic by Grant Leslie

This show, based on a great book by Richard Harris, takes us to the world of adult education classes, in all its diversity. This production’s practical and convincing set enrols us immediately in the right atmosphere.

Class members bring much more than a need to learn for their ‘one night a week’ oasis from various routines of family, grief, abuse, and hunger for expression.

The ten characters contrast well and are consistent throughout. They have been well directed to enhance the tapestry of ensemble rehearsal moments and other comic or poignant scenes.

There are some great times to be had watching this talented group bringing STEPPING OUT to life. Dialect work is extremely effective.

Clever choreography works well with the cast dancing idiosyncratically as both learners and breakthrough stars.

Standout vocal moments are delivered often by this cast. Vocal balance with the supportive band mostly gives narrative clarity.

Margaret Short’s Rose delights in Don’t Ask Me. Penny Stewart’s version of Too Much shows the heartbreaking side to Mavis the dance instructor. The fruits of the class’ hilarious labours in the fiinale are well worth the wait and journey.

Turn up for this class. It educates all ages.

The Miranda Musical Society’s production of STEPPING OUT- THE MUSICAL, directed by Brett Russell with musical direction by Dean Turner and choreography by Natalie Leather , opened at the Sutherland Memorial School of the Arts, East Parade, Sutherland on Friday 14 June and runs until Sunday 23 June, 2013.