significant other : the new’s latest is a relatable, heartfelt drama


Tom Rodgers and Helen Tonkin in Joshua Harmon’s SIGNIFICANT OTHER at the New Theatre. Pic Bob Seary

New York based playwright Joshua Harmon’s play  SIGNIFICANT OTHER premiered off Broadway in 2015, followed by a Broadway production at the Booth Theatre in the spring of 2017.

The back story is that Jason is a very energetic single New York Jewish gay guy in his late twenties who has a hectic social life.

As we see the play unfold Jason sees a clear pattern taking shape, – he is losing many of his friends as they  ‘settle down’.

Things come to a head when his very best friend Laura does the marriage thing. Jordon and Laura had shared a flat together and had fairly much lived their lives in each other’s pockets.  Now, dammit, she was leaving him too…

For years his girlfriends have tried to set him up with guys, to no avail. Will he ever find a significant other?!

Harmon’s play is the new play on at Newtown’s New Theatre. I am surprised that this is the play’s Australian premiere. It is a polished, poignant piece of writing.

The subject, the dread of being left on the shelf, is something many of us have felt.

I am perplexed as to why the New Theatre publicised this play as a rom-com. I guess that it was all about trying to get more audiences in.  I just don’t think it is ok when it is so misleading. There is no way that Harmon’s play is a romantic comedy.

Now that this gripe is out of the way, on to the production. Director Hayden Tonazzi with assistant Sophia Bryant have come up with a good first Australian production, one that I feel the playwright would be impressed with.

Hamish Elliott’s set is very functional, and there is a good lighting plot by Morgan Moroney.

Performances were good. Tom Rodgers gave a sensitive, moving performance as Jason. Laura Mciness impressed as Jason’s very best friend, Laura. The two actors held up well playing the show’s most highly charged scenes.

Matthew McDonald showcased his talents playing multiple roles; Will, Conrad, Tony, Evan and Roger. Five roles, that really is stretching things!

Accomplished veteran performer Helen Tonkin played Jason’s grandmother, Helene, whom Jason is perennially contacting for advice.

Isabella Williams and Dominique Purdue impressed as Jason’s other two gal pals.

As dark as the play’s subject is, it also has plenty of humour and colour.

SIGNIFICANT OTHER plays the New Theatre, 542 King Street, Newtown until 26 June, 2021.

Performance times are Thursdays to Saturdays at 7.30pm and Sundays at 5pm. Final performance is Saturday 26 June at 2pm.

Production photography by the wonderful  veteran theatre photographer Bob Seary.


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