shirley’s portrait of sydney

Artist Shirley Peters at work with the beautiful backdrop of Sydney Harbour
Artist Shirley Peters at work with the beautiful backdrop of Sydney Harbour

SYDNEY BLUES  is an exhibition by Shirley Peters of a new collection of ‘En Plein Air’ landscapes of Sydney harbour and foreshore in fine weather and foul.

Working in acrylic and water on paper, in what she describes as a ‘watercolour’ style, the paintings are mounted on canvas. True to the name, ‘En Plein Air’, Shirley sourced the water used from any nearby stream, pool or sea at the locations.

Her paintings stretch and play with perspectives and level of abstraction. Her vibrant colour palette ensures that all paintings are pleasant to view.

The paintings span panoramas to intimate rocky outcrops; nature, beach and water to the concrete impact of humans. Crowded terraces and skyscrapers intrude into the landscape of which they are a part. The exhibition shows other perspectives of the Sydney we live in but may not appreciate. We, like Shirley, may become a “tourist in our own town”.

In 2013, Shirley Peters was the only Australian artist to have two pieces shortlisted for the NSW Parliament ‘En Plein Air’ Painting prize.

Gallery V is an intimate gallery in Riley Street, Woolloomooloo, a short stroll from Hyde Park, or William Street. The Sydney Blues exhibition is on until 20 May 2014.

For more about SYDNEY BLUES, visit


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