This musical is based on the film which starred Jack Black. It follows Dewey Finn, a wannabe rock star trying to earn some cash (he doesn’t even have the money to pay the rent) by posing as a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school.  Dewey isn’t going to teach his straight laced kids algebra or arithmetic. He teaches them how to play their music well, so much so that they will be able to compete in the upcoming Battle Of The Bands.

The show is a treat for all ages  There is a  cast of some 31 performers including 12 very talented chid musicians from age nine to 13 years.  They blend very well with very experienced performers such as Brent Hill who plays Dewey Finn and Amy Lehpamer as School Principal  Rosalie Mullins.

Zane Blumeris  as Zack was tremendous and proved to be a great guitarist. George Audet as Freddy showed himself to be a great drummer. Cherami Mya Remulta as Katie played the bass guitar beautifully whilst  Tobi Clarke  was marvellous as Lawrence on the keyboards.

Sabina Felias as Tomita doesn’t reveal herself till later in the play but its worth the wait. Her rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ was awesome. All the other kids revelled in their roles.

Headed by Brent Hill as Dewey Finn and Amy Lehpamer as the Forest Green principal as Rosalie Mullins the adults performed with distinction.

Amy Lehpamer was tremendous as the uptight, arch backed Miss Mullins and she went on to sing one of the best ballads in the show, ‘Where did the Rock Go’?’

Brent Hill as Dewey was tremendous as Dewey. He rocks and writhes around the stage. Whilst he writhes around the stage the    kids spend a lot of their time burning their energy, joyously stomping.

Highly recommended, SCHOOL OF ROCK THE MUSICAL is currently playing the Capitol Theatre