rose riot: sport for jove’s immersive, ambitious shakespeare. giveaway

Eloise Winestock

This summer Sport for Jove celebrates ten incredible years of theatre-making, ten summers of thrilling and surprising outdoor theatre, with their  most immersive and ambitious season yet: SHAKESPEARE’S ROSE RIOT.

ROSE RIOT consists of two distinct but linked productions.  THE HOLLOW CROWN (Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V) and THE WARS OF THE ROSES (Henry VI, Richard III).  Audiences can enjoy either show as a standalone production or experience full the cycle by seeing both.

ROSE RIOT is Artistic Director Damien Ryan’s furious new adaptation of Shakespeare’s extraordinary history cycle, covering a hundred years of riotous humanity and a pantheon of the earth’s most remarkable political thinkers and drinkers, warriors and clowns, villains, heroines and despots. From Richard II to Henry IV, Harry and Kate Percy, Falstaff and Henry V, Joan of Arc, Henry VI, the Queens Margaret and Elizabeth, Richard Plantagenet, the Lady Anne and her lover ‘misshapen Dick’.

We’ve waited ten years to brings this epic, seething cycle to the outdoor festival and can’t wait to unleash these productions this summer with a brilliant cast of some of our most cherished actors.” said Ryan. “It’s not just the extraordinary battles, political factionalism and its revolving door of new kings and queens, it is its sheer humanity that draws me to it. It is extravagant, violent, funny, fierce and very moving. It could be described as history’s greatest leadership spills.

Encompassing Sydney Hills Shakespeare in the Park at Bella Vista Farm and Leura Shakespeare Festival at Leura Everglades Gardens, Sport for Jove’s Summer Season has been bringing world class theatre to Sydney’s west and the mountains for ten years.

ROSE RIOT will play 8 – 30 December 2018 at Bella Vista Farm and 12 – 27 January 2019 at Leura Everglades Gardens.  For more information  visit the Sport For Jove website. or their social media platforms: Youtube Channel, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

With thanks to Sport For Jove, Sydney Arts Guide has a double pass giveaway to the preview of THE HOLLOW CROWN  on Saturday 15 December at 6.30pm at Bella Vista Farm.

To be in the running, email ( 
with ROSE RIOT as the subject AND your full name.

Competition closes Midnight on Sunday November 25, 2018 when the winner will be drawn. Only the winner will be notified and the pass will be available from the box office on the night of the performance.
Berynn Schwerdt

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