Great things come in fours: seasons, elements, the horsemen of the apocalypse and now Orbotetski–the all-star quartet of Sydney’s brightest young improvisers.
Larry Orkin (Or), Alex Boggie (Bo), Julien Perrottet (Tet) and John Brudreski (Ski) unite for Sydney Fringe Comedy on 30th August 2017 to perform a 50 minute entirely improvised show.
Steeped in the Chicago-style longform tradition, the improvised comedy will showcase Orbotetski’s unique brand of inspired ideas, fully realised characters and loads of heart.
Between them, Orbotetski have trained and performed at some of the finest improv schools around like iO and Second City in Chicago, Laugh Masters Academy, Improv Theatre Sydney and Impro Australia.
The Factory Theatre, 105 Victoria Rd, Marrickville, NSW 2204
Dates: Wed 30th August 2017, Fri 1st September 2017, Sun 3rd September 2017
Times: Wed 9.30pm, Fri 9.30pm, Sun 8.30pm
Tickets: $10
For more about Orbotetski, visit
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