LCTC Away DressReh GregPiper 90Above- Dimitri Armatas as Jim and Katherine Stewart as  Gwen. Featured- Rowena McNicol as Coral in Michael Gow’s AWAY. Production photography by Greg Piper Photography.

This  year is the 21st anniversary for the Lane Cove Theatre Company (LCTC). The Company is presenting three plays this year and their current production is a revival  of Michael Gow’s family drama AWAY, directed by Peter Farmer.

I have lost count as to how many times I have seen this play. AWAY has always been a stand-out, a play of enormous heart and warmth. Theatregoers are so easily able to relate to the struggles taking place within three families as  they take their summer vacation. 

My verdict on this latest revival?! This was a heart-felt, and faithful production though  it failed to  reach any great heights.

Peter Farmer steered the course for the cast well. His central design  concept of a human figure, made of wire, positioned near the middle of the stage,  motioning away, was emblematic of the play’s central theme, though it felt just a little over-stated.

The cast each gave generous, sensitive performances. William Burke gave a sensitive, articulate performances as the aggrieved, afflicted Tom, Claire Giuffre impressed as Tom’s warm, sunny natured flame, Meg.

The director himself adequately played schoolmaster, Roy, after an actor pulled out of the show at the eleventh hour. Rowena McNicol gave a very assured and touching performance as Roy’s troubled wife, Coral,  a rather desolate and tragic  figure  who  fell into a deep depression after the death of her much loved son in the Vietnam  war.

Dimitri Armatas and  Katherine Stewart played Meg’s parents convincingly with Stewart impressing as the abrasive, hard bitten, Gwen

Nicola Read  and Trent Gardiner gave poignant performances as Tom’s parents from the Old Dart making new lives for themselves in Oz, and maintaining a brave face in the knowledge that they will soon lose their son.

The intimate nature of the performance space suited the play well. Costume and set design were adequate without being. in any way, elaborate.

A good way to start off this landmark year for this performing group, Lane Cove Theatre Company’s production of Michael Gow’s AWAY is playing the Performance Space, St Aidan’s in Longueville until Saturday 9th April. Upcoming performances are Friday 1st April 7.30pm, Saturday 2nd April 7.30pm, Sunday 3rd April 2.00pm, Friday 8th April 7.30pm

Saturday 9th April 7.30pm.

Tickets: $25 Adult | $20 conc | $15 children 3-12 |family pass $70 | groups 10+ $18.

Q&A sessions will follow the Friday evening performances for the benefit of HSC students.

The Company’s next production will be a musical- THE LAST FIVE YEARS by Jason Robert Brown. THE LAST FIVE YEARS will be performed between the 12th and 20th August at the same venue, the St Aidan’s Church in Longueville.