Bondi Festival 2023 has unleashed multi-award winning musical comic, Josh Glanc with his COLLECTIONS 2023 to sell out audiences. The show is silliness for adults.

Josh’s shows have been described as ‘absurd’, ‘quirky’, ‘wacky’ and full of ‘antics’ and ‘tomfoolery’. He turns “ordinary into ridiculous” through great characters, surreal sketches and songs.

His range of characters is broad ranging and uses a clever variety of costumes rather than an extensive use of props to signal character differentiation.  Audiences identify with the Aussie BBQ, and warm to truck drivers, singing trees and even that annoying would-be MAMIL cyclist.

The show has one of the best openings and endings that I’ve seen in recent times. Mid-performance is filled with inclusive love, loneliness and a fun romp.

A great ‘air’ musician, Josh’s guitar playing offers variety and sustains interest.  There’s significant audience participation with members thinking, “he’s silly, so I don’t mind being silly too”.

Josh has described his shows as “very fun. There are lots of random songs and surreal and frenetic moments. It’s basically a pretty wild ride and you never quite know what to expect. There are also some nice, tender moments that will make you cry and ‘want you to marry the person sitting next to you’.

The director, John-Luke Roberts, ensures that the pace does not lose momentum and  the sound is ‘mostly’ synchronised. The soundscape  assumes an important role in this show and worked well.

Josh Glanc has won multiple Fringe comedy awards, performed sold out shows at the Soho Theatre in London, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe. His comedy has appeared on TV channels.

Josh Glanc – COLLECTIONS 2023 is playing at the Bondi Pavilion on Saturday 8th July at 8.30pm and at 7pm on Sunday 9 July. The Sunday performance is  Auslan interpreted.