Philosopher Artist Poet bronze 29 x 27 x 27cm $14,000

The new exhibition at the= Frances Keevil Gallery features the work of sculptor Vince Vozzo.

Vince Vozzo lives and works in Sydney’s inner western suburbs. His outdoor workshop is home to many works-in-progress and giant chunks of marble, sandstone and other raw materials.

In a career spanning three decades, Vozzo has exhibited in 41 solo exhibitions and produced thousands of artworks in different mediums. He has featured in numerous group exhibitions, most notably Sydney’s Sculpture by the Sea, where his magnificent sculpture has loomed large over the coastal horizon more 13 times to date. His work has been included in 36 prize exhibitions and with eight selections in the prestigious Wynne Prize, Vozzo holds the record for a sculptor in that competition. He has been the recipient of numerous awards and commissions most notably the Ligurian Society Art Travel Scholarship to Pietrasanta, Italy and the Norton Sculpture Award.
Over the past 40 years I have had an obsession with the search for perfection. My studio is my sanctuary where I turn inanimate objects into objects full of life. Here I stare at the night sky like Galileo did before me and dream.

                                                                              VINCE VOZZO
To view the. exhibition check out Frances Keevil’s online Gallery at