To mark the 350th anniversary of Rembrandt’s death and the Year of the  Dutch Golden Age, EXHIBITION ON SCREEN presents REMBRANDT on the big screen in cinemas across Australia from 26 September 2019; back by popular  demand. The film is directed by Karl Mansoor with narration by British actor Robert Lindsay.

Filmed in exquisite detail, the camera offers a privileged view of the once-in-a- lifetime 2015 Late Works exhibition at the Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum and London’s  National Gallery. Rembrandt’s creativity gathered new energy in the closing years of his  life.

It is the art of these late years – soulful, honest and deeply moving – that indelibly  defines our image of Rembrandt, the man and the artist.  This landmark exhibition was a unique opportunity to experience the passion, emotion and  innovation of Rembrandt. With behind-the-scenes access revealing the preparations of the show, the film reveals a fresh and fascinating full biography of this great artist.

I’ll end this brief article on REMBRANDT with a quote from Exhibition On Screen producer Phil Grabsky

“For many, Rembrandt is the greatest artist of all – that assertion alone is worth examining in a film.  But when a major exhibition at the National Gallery in London and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is put on, after many years of preparation, it is an absolutely natural subject for an Exhibition On Screen film.

“This is an artist who all subsequent artists have looked back to and looked up to.  Our film asks why?  Why him? Why then? Why is he so powerful?  No artist, moreover, – until perhaps Vincent van Gogh – tracked their own lives in paint in the way Rembrandt did. He is the original master of, dare we say it?, the ‘selfie’…and, again, for many he remains the greatest exponent of the self-portrait that ever lived. An extraordinary man, and extraordinary story.  And easily one of Exhibition On Screen’s  most popular films.’

Exhibition on Screen’s REMBRANDT will screen at Dendy Cinemas (26 Sep), Palace Cinemas (28 Sep) and Orpheum (28 Sep) and Bondi Events Cinema (30 Sep),
