This month, as well as being Movember to raise funds for men’s health, has also been designated as Aussie Music month culminating in the Aria Awards in a few weeks time.The ABC both on TV and radio has been Aussie Music’s greatest champion through shows such as Countdown and 2JJJ.

On this occasion the ABC has targeted a younger demographic using pop star Guy Sebastian. It has a number of aims including putting instruments in the hands of underprivileged children, celebrating inspiring music teachers and cementing its place in school curricula due to the demonstrated positive evidence that music has on a young child’s brain.

The launch of this project was  held last Sunday at the Belvedere Amphitheatre in Centennial Park. Both primary school and more advanced students demonstrated their musical prowess, Musica Viva musicians had children playing with percussive instruments such as the xylophone and the marimba.

There were booths  promoting children’s dance and a Salvation Army’s band of all ages with a similar aim of Don’t Stop The Music campaign of getting more musical instruments into the hands of the poorer children  and their schools throughout New South Wales.