I  went across to the Flight Path Theatre in Marrickville to see Secret House’s production of Sydney playwright Xavier Coy’s three hander CHARLES AND LARRY.

The setting is the living room of a suburban unit. The set is basic, just a table and chair and sofa. Coy plays thirties something Charles who lives alone in the unit. The play starts dramatically with his younger brother Larry, played by Adam Marks, coming into his flat in a huff, backpack slung over his shoulders.

Larry tells his brother that he wants to live with him for a while. Charles is isn’t keen. Larry is a heroin addict who has let him down in the past and they haven’t seen each other in a long time.

Charles, rather reluctantly relents, and the two start living together. Charles laws down the law to Larry.  If there is any sign of drug taking he is out the door.

Charles tells Larry that he now has a girlfriend Olivia, played Ana The Nguyen.  Larry is quite mocking in his reaction. Charles warns Larry that if he carries on when Olivia is around he will kick him out. Their  live in arrangement is more than a little tenuous.

Coy’s play is a modest, linear, naturalistic drama that works quite well. The performances are good and director Jane Angharad keeps the action taut. Coy and Angharad manage to inject a bit of humour into the production.

There were a few reservations. I felt that the character of Olivia was a little undeveloped, and the scenes between Olivia and Charles were a little slight and restrained, especially considering the dramatic turn the relationship  takes.

Sophie Pekbilimli’s lighting design was very effective.

Running time : 70 minutes straight through.

Secret House’s CHARLES AND LARRY is playing the Flight Path Theatre, 142 Addison Road, Marrickville until the 6th March, 2022.

Production photography : Clare Hawley















CHARLES AND LARRY  is playing the Flight Path Theatre, 142 Addison Road, Marrickville.