castle hill players present ‘on golden pond’ @ the pavilion theatre

ON GOLDEN POND  is the classic award winning 1979 play by Ernest Thompson which was later adapted into the memorable 1981 motion picture starring Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn. This play is part of a very special season for Castle Hill Players as they celebrate their 50th anniversary season.

While On Golden Pond has much witty sarcasm and humorous one-liners, it also looks at the themes of love, connections, and letting go of the past to allow the flowering of broken relationships.

The story centres on an older couple Norman and Ethyl Thayer and explores the effects of the turbulent relationship their daughter Chelsea shared with her father growing up and the difficulties faced by a couple in the latter years of a long marriage.

Dave Kirkham plays the crusty, sharp tongued Norman and his long suffering, but spirited wife Ethyl, is played by Carole Grace. They spend each summer at their holiday home in Maine on the lake Golden Pond and this year they are celebrating Norman’s 80th birthday.

During their stay they receive a visit from their middle-aged daughter Chelsea, played by Ricarda Emanuel, who brings her new boyfriend Bill Ray, played by Ben Freemen and his son Billy Ray jnr, played by Brayden Sim. All does not go smoothly as the generation gap creates situations which are at times amusing, poignant and real. Light touches are added by the telephone operator played by Maia Hadley, (who is also the show’s stage manager), and Charlie the postman, played by Daniel Boole.

Under the direction of Valerie Miller the actors work beautifully together to bring this touching comedy/drama to life and make it as relevant for us to day as when it was when first written.

Maureen Cartledge, creates a setting which takes us back some 50 years and the scenic art by Jewell Johnson is featured as a mood creating backdrop.

Come and enjoy this delightful play that makes us stop and think about what is really important and how precious is each day of life.

ON GOLDEN POND is playing until August 20 at Pavilion Theatre, Castle Hill Showground, off Showground Road.



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