1979, East Germany during the height of the Cold War. Two ordinary families yearning for freedom secretly form a great escape plan to get across to the West. With courage & ingenuity as their main weapons, they build a hot air balloon with small pieces of cloth for their eight family-members to fly over the Iron Curtain. But an initial failure puts their entire plan in jeopardy, setting off a dangerous race against time for a second attempt, with the State Police now hot on their heels…An incredible and gripping true story of resistance.

The film has been directed by Michael Herbig and stars Friedrich Mucke, Karoline Schuch and Alicia von Rittberg.

BALLOON was the opening film at the German Film Festival in each city – Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and Byron Bay; and on October 31, the film will release in cinemas nationally. Interestingly, the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall will take place on Saturday the 9 November, 2019

Sydney Arts Guide has ten in season double passes to give away to ‘Balloons’. Be one of the first to email the  editor on  Please put Balloon promotion in your subject heading. The winners will be notified by email..