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Jonathan Biggins dons the suit once more to reprise his role as Paul Keating in THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO PAUL, ‘When you know you are loved it is like you are wearing a suit of armour.’

Jonathan Biggins reflects in the voice of Paul Keating on how he was sustained and protected by the love of his mother and maternal grandmother in this  wonderful, yet very partisan tribute to self. The scene opens in Paul Keating’s home office surrounded by his clocks, his records, Romantic artworks, and a portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte.  The carousel of the slide machine is ready with the photos that documented a life of public service. 

Paul Keating would never write a memoir, so Jonathan has decided to spare him the trouble but this is more than a history of the Australian Labour Party. This is a love story, filled with all the important dedications, the man so unhumble, and iconoclastic he weaves together all his loves, love of his family, Bob Hawke, Anita, Music and the 18th century French fob watch made by Breughet.  

Marvellously interjected are cabaret style musical numbers, Tom Jones, a parody in style to a barbershop though solo still with boater and cane. The blends across the performance of those digs and one liners (in the style if not those directly stolen from Paul) through to some telling moments of reflective pause for his truth-telling, and again his passion of where his love might truly lie. Well done Director Aarne Neeme with a terrific balance.

This is a history lesson, from someone well versed in the struggle, so it is definitely one for the party faithful. It is also a walk-through times that united the whole of Australia including Native Title and the Redfern Address which we are still coming to terms with.  Paul the impulsive interjector and elder and disruptor still offering his words to whoever is listening. A comment on tik tok and the socials, a comment on the leaders of the day. Something for everyone you might say.

Jonathon is such a clever satirist, the dialogue full to the brim with his wit and cunning. The audience laughed full and out loud at regular intervals. Thank you for a great night out.

Director: Aarne Neeme
Soft Tread Enterprises Producer: Jo Dyer
Actor/Creator/Co-Producer: Jonathan Biggins

The Gospel According to Paul is currently playing at the Playhouse, Sydney Opera House until 23 June 2024.This show runs for approximately 90 minutes, without interval

Recommended for 15+ due to strong language

The strictly limited season at the Opera House from 4 – 23 June is the final Sydney run of this sensational one-man-show.


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