This exhibition entitled AUSTRALIA FELIX : THE LANDSCAPE OF PLEASURE was recently displayed at the garden gallery in the Royal Botanic Gardens for an all too short fortnight.
This is a beautiful gallery and worth a visit to view the Botanic Gardens archives and memorabilia.
For serious botanic researchers it also contains the Daniel Solander library.
The recently completed exhibition contained delicate works of outstanding beauty.
There were 115 works hung and unfortunately the paintings were numbered, such that, you had to go to the catalogue to find out the name and author of the work.
In most exhibitions I photograph the work itself and then a separate card/paper which contains the details of the creator and subject matter.
As I only had an hour to race around the exhibition it was impossible to cross reference the works that I favoured.
I was tossing up whether to show my unattributed images, but I felt that these should be seen in a wider context such as this esteemed journal.
Text and photos by Ben Apfelbaum