Matt Turner (Liam Niason) is an unhappily married man with two distant adolescents. He is also a wealthy investment banker of dubious morality. Out of the blue a mysterious man takes command of his car whilst he is driving it with his two children. There is a growing sense of frustration in Turner as he battles this man to find out what he has done wrong and why he wants to detonate the car if Turner does not do precisely what he is told.
It is a gripping yarn most of which takes place within the claustrophobic confines of Turner’s top of the line SUV. In the process he rediscovers his relationship with his children and estranged wife. It is a credible performance by Neeson and his rebellious teenagers (Lilly Aspell and Jack Champion) as he tries to bargain for their life and unmask his interlocutor. And a great advertisement for the Mercedes brand as it manages to elude large sections of the German police and their high octane pursuit vehicles chasing it helter skelter through the streets of Berlin.
I saw the film at the Event V max cinema on Wednesday 20th September in George Street in the City. and if you haven’t been there go! The area is bustling and full of life and will truly energise the cockles of your ancient heart. Nearby the theatre there are oodles of small cosy eateries with a veritable cornucopia of restaurants selling what looked to be delicious food.