pacific opera studio young artists 2024 auditions

Applications for the Pacific Opera Studio Young Artists program are now open! 

The Pacific Opera Studio has been in existence for  twenty years and is constantly evolving.

The Studio is delighted to announce that applications for the 2024 Auditions for Pacific Opera’s  Young Artists Program are now open to all aspiring professional opera singers. 

This is the Studio’s most important program and lies at the heart of the Pacific Opera Studio’s  philosophy and endeavour.

Guided by the Studio’s outstanding Artistic Directors, Peter Coleman  Wright AO and Cheryl Barker AO and Bradley Gilchist, the Young Artists will  receive a program of personal  mentorship, professional guidance, performance opportunities, repertoire preparation, and  much more. 

The camaraderie and professional development offered by the Pacific Opera Studio Young  Artists Program is second to none. It rounds off the years of dedicated study these young  artists have already undertaken and provides them with the benefits of high-level  experience and the true links to the stage at a world-class standard. 

Each of the selected young artists will be supported by a scholarship of $5,000. This assists  them with their professional expenses and allows these talented young performers to take  full advantage of this life-changing opportunity. 

If you would like to discuss a financial contribution to a scholarship, please call 0468 582 281  or email 

This is a wonderful opportunity for young artists, so please share this information with  any young singers who might benefit from the Pacific Opera Studio Young Artists Program in 2024,. 

  • Applications close 12 November 2023.


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