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I have to say that I’m not a regular opera goer. The reality is that most operas are in a foreign language. To follow the narrative you have to read the surtitles. My eyes can handle deciphering subtitles in a cinema, just, but  reading surtitles in an opera theatre, well that is never going to happen!

The chance to see an operatic production of  HAMLET, a play I know so well, directed by one of our finest directors, and with seats in proximity to the stage,  proved irresistible.

It was absolutely the right decision. The opera featured a great score by  Brett Dean with libretto by Matthew Jocelyn. The brilliant baton work by Tim Anderson, leading an exemplary Opera Australia orchestra, as Dean’s music relentlessly drove the opera to its tragic climax.

The production values  in opera are at a much greater scale than in theatre; the large stage area in the Joan Sutherland Theatre, Ralph Myers multiple  sets, Alice Babidge’s opulent costumes, Denni Sayers  broad brushstroke choreography, Jon Clark’s lighting and Bob Scott’s sound design.

Neil Amfield’s direction is superb and he wins excellent performances from the  cast, from Allan Clayton as the angst ridden Hamlet right through to the  players in The Murder Of Gonzago, play within a play, which captures the conscience of the King. Particular mention to Jud Arthur as the ghost of Hamlet’s father, Lorina Gore’s portrayal of Ophelia, Rod Gilfry and Catherine Carby as that pernicious couple, Claudius and Gertrude, and Russell Harcourt and Christopher Lowrey who provided great comic relief as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

A ‘vast’ Opera Australia Chorus adds reflection and impact as the events race ahead on stage.

This was opera, and even more to the point opera composed by an Australian composer, with maximum impact.

Opera Australia’s HAMLET is playing the Joan Sutherland Theatre at the Sydney Opera House until the 9th August 2024.

Performance dates :

24, 27, 30 July & 2, 5, 9 August all at 7pm at the Joan Sutherland Theatre, Sydney Opera House.

Running Time : 3 hours and 25 minutes including one 30 minutes interval.

Cast :

Hamlet : Allan Clayton

Ophelia : Lorina Gore

Claudius : Rod Gilfry

Gertrude : Catherine Carby

Polonius : Kanen Breen

Horatio : Samuel Dundas

Ghost of Old Hamlet/Gravedigger/Player 1 : Jud Arthur

Laertes : Nicholas Jones

Rosencrantz : Russell Harcourt

Guildenstern : Christopher Lowrey

Marcellus/Player 4 : Andrew Moran

Player 2 : Virgilio Marino

Player 3 : Iain  Henderson

Accordionist : James Crabb

Opera Australia Chorus

Chorus Master : Paul Fitzsimon

Assistant Chorus Master : Michael Curtain

Opera Australia Actors

Opera Australia Orchestra

Acting Concertmaster : Huy-Nguyen Bui



Composer : Brett Dean

Librettist : Matthew Jocelyn after William Shakespeare

Conductor : Tim Anderson

Director : Neil Armfield

Set Designer : Ralph Myers

Costume Designer : Alice Babidge

Movement Director : Denni Sayers

Lighting Designer : Jon Clark

Sound Designer : Bob Scott

Lighting realised by Peter Harrison

Original Fight Director : Nicholas Hall

Fight Director : Nigel Poulton

Assistant Director : Eugene Lynch

Intimacy Director : Chloe Dallimore

Assistant Fight Director : Tim Dashwood


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