Mosman Musical Society proudly presents an original show about a TV talent quest, its contestants and the crazy world of high stakes television, set to glorious showstoppers from the full gamut of musical theatre. Great characters, wacky conflict, love and romance, and just plain goofiness, with music everyone will know and love.
Written by Clare Gerber, who has had plenty of experience of television, and directed by Nick Bone, A Night On Broadway is a hilarious spoof on the world of the television talent quest in the age of Instagram!
The show tells the story of the battling contestants, the frustrated tv executive, and the result of the ultimate showdown on prime time, with songs from a huge range of classic Broadway musicals.
This is a true homage to Broadway, and very, very funny. The show will include a talented array of community theatre performers from all over town, with musical direction by Dominique Parker and choreography by Chris Bamford, production design by Alex Cotton, and creative direction by Susan Boyle. Director Nick Bone brings a wealth of experience in musical theatre.
4 July 7.30pm, 5 July 7.30pm, 6 July 2pm, 6 July 7.30pm at the Independent Theatre, North Sydney
For more about A Night On Broadway, visit
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