INCREDIBILIA centers on the friendship of two close friends and their journey from the library to home with several adventurous stops in between. These adventures are children’s writer Libby Hathorn’s twenty beautifully written stories enacted on stage through enchanting song and dance by highly talented Manon Gunderson-Briggs and Fabio Jaconelli, supported by Peter Kennard’s one man band and directed by acclaimed theater of image maker, Kim Carpenter.[/caption]

The use of projection on a large screen filled the vast stage with vibrant colour and wonderful images of awe and for the most part complimented the series of stories played out in front of screen. Some images detracted from the possibilities for imagination that the beautifully made props and object theatre being presented in front could better illicit. Several props such as cities and masks were delightful and whimsically made and incorporated into the story playfully. Puppets and puppetry were used to create different characters in the stories.

A telling point was when a child asked why the boxes were there at the Q&A session at the end. These cardboard boxes that contained the several props were covered in alphabets and used as sets but may have been better incorporated into the story and concept of the show.

Transitions through the different stories could feel rushed perhaps due to the challenge of presenting 20 stories and 101 props in a small space of time, a welcomed change in pace was provided by the heartfelt touching scene where Manon discovers her late grandma’s red shoes in a box. This scene gave the much needed moment of wonder and intrigue, and that extra magic bringing the audience closer to the story and its characters. This special story was also well appreciated by a young audience member at the end who pointed out how memorable it was for them.

The relationship between the two friends was fantastic and highly entertaining to watch with the young audience giggling at the playful games between them, presumably ones they recognize themselves playing with their friends.  Manon’s outstanding voice and movement is a pleasure to listen to and watch. The scene where the bully becomes the bullied was smartly timed and comically presented by Fabio.

INCREDIBILIA is a bright, lively and fun show that did its job very well of keeping a young audience and those young at heart gleefully engaged and entertained.

INCREDIBILIA is playing a brief season at the Riverside Theatres Parramatta between the 29th May and 1st June 2024.

Review by Shabnam Tavakol is an experienced actor with stage and screen credits, who specialises in puppetry. With over two decades of international touring experience, her performances in award-winning visual theatre shows and  puppetry performances have captivated audiences at prestigious festivals worldwide. She is a passionate theatre maker blending her acting, dance and puppetry for impactful performances. Additionally, she shares her expertise as a tutor, including at NIDA student orientations


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