hunters hill theatre first show for 2024 is a golden oldie sex comedy : boeing boeing : double passes on offer


When one door opens another closes as lying lothario Bernard, who is engaged to three international flight attendants, juggles detailed airline timetables to keep his ‘fiancees’ from finding out about each other. He manages to keep ‘one up, one down and one pending!

Then  bad weather and a fast new Boeing jet put his three ladies on a collision course… crash landing together in his Paris apartment!


MICHAEL MULVENNA         Bernard
LUKE BAWEJA                           Robert
LAURA STEAD                            Gloria
MAGGIE SCOTT                         Bertha

CHRISSIE MCINTYRE            Director
PENNY CHURCH                      Stage Manager
MAGGIE SCOTT                         Production Manager
WAYNE CHEE                              Lighting Design
PENNY KORTHS                        Costumes

Sydney Arts Guide has one double pass to give away to each of the Saturday night performances; March 9, 16, 23 at 7.30pm. Just shoot through an email to with BOEING BOEING PROMOTION in the subject heading. The winners will be advised by email and the double passes will be at the Box Office on the night.


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