According to Victor, everyone has their price. But not Lulu! A best-selling author, Lulu reveals to us that with the power of knowledge, we can be the creator of our own experience. From finding a cure for cancer to saving thousands of dollars, Lulu leads us down the path of enlightenment to a healthier, happier life.
Based on real-life events, Creating With A Bang! is a refreshingly different book with a strong message.
The characters (Carlo, Lulu, George, Hot Henry, The Men in Black, Robot Joe and Victor) live simultaneously in multiple parallel worlds, connected by a higher consciousness. Hunter K. Smith cleverly uses stream of consciousness, bridging their worlds to immerse the reader in a very informative and at times, amusing story.
Backed by independent science, Creating With A Bang! is a fascinating and thought- provoking read. It even provides a glossary of terms and recipes at the end of the book.
Tell us a bit about yourself. What inspired you to write Creating with a Bang!?
I had an extremely happy and wild childhood/teen life/20s in Dublin with parents and friends I adored, filled with funny stories, witty people, music, dancing and Shenanigans. Life was easy, perfect even, until both my parents died from the side effects of chemo, my mother very suddenly and my father slowly.
At around the same time and living in Western Australia by then, I began to get serious skin cancers and my health went downhill fast. I went from having a fantastic life, confident and cheerful to a state of crying, madness, chronic illness and surgery agonies where my body could not work, and my mind faded away some place out of reach.
Having worked in law for years, it gave me the tools to research science and medicine independently regarding my parents’ medical treatment and their shocking deaths. I was not out to blame anyone for anything. I was after answers, and Boy did I find them. Sadly, too late for my parents but NOT too late for my husband who nearly died last year from a misdiagnosed life-threatening cancer. He miraculously survived. I saved my own life and sanity in the process. Not bad for a Truly Desperate Housewife!
I wrote CREATING WITH A BANG for many reasons, and dedicated the book to my childhood next door neighbour Mari Maxwell, a human rights’ story which could itself be a best seller.
The book was written as a legacy to our daughter, to offer her the tools to keep our horses healthy – free from vet bills through simple, inexpensive gut care.
The book is a pointer to the highs of how we can heal our precious bodies if we become best friends with the power of Independent Knowledge which is FREE to the User. The answers were here all along.
- How did you come up with the title?
The word Creating is special because of its significance and present tense. We can create and transform our lives with a Bang, in other words, instantly. It’s that easy – BUT it’s NOT so easy if sickness and madness have gone too far, then there’s No Entry Door back to life again. The trick is to listen to what’s Best, not necessarily what’s ADVERTISED. The science is here for anyone who wants to find it. A Bang is loud and clear. We must listen to correct information and NOT essentially to what we are being SOLD…
- Your book is described as ‘Mad Fiction.’ What is ‘Mad Fiction’?
Mad fiction is where Truth and Fiction are REQUIRED to collide in the night as it may take an inquisitive person to read hidden implications within the narrative. The topics include controversial subjects (maybe) to the Big End of Town because Joe Ordinary comes out on top, every time. Mad fiction is fun and cleverly written with serious themes that affect each and every one of us MORE than we could ever know. Where is Life or Death? It’s whichever route you choose.
I have written about many important themes, one is the treatment of animals which directly affects each square patch of Earth, water usage and vast amounts of land where the Jailer becomes the Jailed. In the future, I feel eating animal products will be a thing of the past (ref: Sir Richard Branson) and the human race will quickly realise how easy it is to get well, and save a fortune in the process. Truth or Mad Fiction, you get to decide.
- The story centres on Lulu and her friends who all live in separate parallel worlds. Without giving too much away, can you tell us who these characters represent?
Yes, George represents a famous author who influences me every day. Lulu is a mixture of a smart, Go-Get-It kinda girl who has learned that BEING leads her, not DOING! There are small bits of me in her character. Hot Henry is loosely based on my husband who is the sexiest man alive, to me! I didn’t say he was perfect! Carlo represents whatever God or not one believes in. He can be God, Buddha, Allah, the Light, Darkness, OR the sheer wonder of our unknowable universe.
Victor represents the people in my life who have made me sick, mad and nearly half dead! I had a Big boss named Victor in my 20s and he was a good-looking, well-paid, intelligent charmer with apparently evil intent. I normally don’t hold grudges and believe in Forgive and Forget but there’s always ONE! The Men in Black represent the unethical Sellers in your area.
- You use ‘stream of consciousness’ writing in your book. Why did you choose this literary device and how did it help you to get your message across?
I enjoy conversation English and anything penned by Oscar Wilde (who also wrote in stream of consciousness). I read all the time and wanted to write something completely different, fun, intelligent text which questions a reader. I get the message across by not Selling to the reader but rely on the reader’s own intelligence to answer a few Telling Questions.
I wrote sometimes boring content for years when I worked in law, humans fighting over this, that and the other; other times about tragically sad real-life stories bound up in legalities… Heart-breaking stuff. Whatever I write now I want it to be thought-provoking and not a Lecture! I hope the text enables a reader to question why they spend money on things and food that may be killing them, all the while making Someone Else Rich.
I get so furious when I think of the times I was told write this way or that way, no you can’t say or write that! Everyone has a story and we should allow ourselves to write whatever way that suits our brains. Then of course our editors can help us make total sense before it is published. I know I gave my editor a few headaches to begin with, but we ended up friends in the end!
- ‘Creating with a Bang!’ is ‘backed by independent science.’ Did you do a lot of research for the book or is your information from personal experience?
Yes, the information is from solid personal experience AND the book is backed by 15 years’ scientific research including the 26-year China Study (not paid for by the beef, dairy and sugar industries). I also wrote about up to date research on sugar (ref: Dr Richard Jacoby – top US Surgeon) and quantum physics’ science which was a hoot to put on paper.
Is there another book in the pipeline? If so, could you tell us a bit about it?
Yes, I have two draft books on my office desks at home, the first is a vegan cook book and the second draft is a sequel to Creating with a Bang, but as I do a lot of public speaking, radio and Skype Consults, I aspire to fit in the quality time in the next few months required for the next publications. My Dream is that Creating with a Bang be made into a Movie and am working on that right now!
- When will your next book be available?
Hopefully my next two books will be available next year, 2018.
Thanks Hunter great to talk you!
Creating With a BANG! is published by Hunter K. Smith and Ocean Reeve Publishing
- Links to buy Creating with a Bang!
Review and interview by Kathryn Berryman.