CATE FUCKING BLANCHETT is the clever story of three sisters, and of course Cate Blanchett has the opportunity during this three act play, to perform in the role of each of the three sisters. The sisters are Margo, Nina, Grace, and when required each sister is Cate Fucking Blanchett. Multiple roles are always a gift for actors.
There is one actor (Melissa Jones) who looks remarkably like a young Cate Blanchett, and she delivers a thoughtful timed performance, with the deliberate mannerisms and pitch perfect voice, that unmistakably IS a young Cate Blanchett.
Nina’s IVF egg donations to Margo upsets Grace, and sparks a meta-theatrical play with tragedy and drama and humour too.
This play will be experienced differently by each and every person watching as the play unfolds, and then collapses and ultimately the lives of all three sisters are resurrected.
There are “who is who voiceovers” heard at the beginning of the play. Better audience experience, would be for the “who is who voiceovers” to only be spoken at the beginning of the advertised three acts.
An actor is heard to say WEST BANK for the LONDON location of THE NATIONAL THEATRE – which of course is located at SOUTH BANK, on the other side of the River Thames in SE1 and not anywhere near the LONDON WEST END theatres.
A background sign in a hospital says Mittelschmerz. Mittelschmerz is middle-pain of ovulation, left ovary and next month right-ovary BUT with IVF human egg collection, of twenty eggs per cycle, are twenty times the pain.
Presented by Karolina Ristevski.
STARRING – Angela Johnston , Melissa Jones, Lana Morgan, Kate Bookallil, John Michael Narres, Siobhan Lawless, Josie Waller, AND surprises galore.
Written and Produced and Directed – Karolina Ristevski
Assistant Director – Rikiah Lizarraga
AV Design – David Molloy
Lighting Designer – Casey Moon-Watton
Dramaturg – Jose Aza
21st until 23rd September 2023.
Duration of ninety minutes, with NO interval.
Flight Path Theatre, 142 Addison Road, Addison Road Community Centre, Hut 9, Marrickville, NSW, 2204 (Gadigal Country),
EXPECT – Coarse Language Content, Haze, Sudden Loud Noises, Simulated Firearms/Gunshots, Depiction of drug use, Depiction of one medical procedure and Mittelschmerz, One Dead cat, One Dead sheep, One Amputated foot.
PLEASE NOTE – For those asking if the one and only (real and official) CATE BLANCHETT is in this play – please do ask yourself – So do you really think that CATE BLANCHETT is going to come all the way to Australia from her East Sussex home in England, to star in a play performed during the 2023 Sydney Fringe Festival, a debut play written by an unknown Australian playwright?